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Read in a weight-at-age data file as a data frame


SS_readwtatage(file = "", verbose = TRUE)



Filename either with full path or relative to working directory.

See the formal arguments for a possible default filename.


A logical value specifying if output should be printed to the screen.


Returns a data frame with a variable number of columns based on the number of ages that are included in the file. Though, the first columns will always be Yr, Seas, Sex, Bio_Pattern, BirthSeas, and Fleet. The seventh column will be age zero. The last or next to last column will be the maximum age included in the weight-at-age data. For Stock Synthesis versions 3.30 and greater, the last column will be a column of comments.

NULL is returned if file does not exist or if the file does exist but it is empty. This behavior is different than other SS_read* functions that error if either of the previous checks are TRUE. Thus, a complicated check involving tryCatch() is used around readLines() to allow for returning NULL rather than stop(). Additionally, this check accommodates a URL for file.


Kelli F. Johnson, Ian G. Taylor