Creates a user-chosen set of plots comparing model output from a summary of
multiple models, where the collection was created using the
subplots = 1:20,
plot = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
png = print,
pdf = FALSE,
models = "all",
endyrvec = NULL,
indexfleets = NULL,
indexUncertainty = TRUE,
indexQlabel = TRUE,
indexQdigits = 4,
indexSEvec = NULL,
indexPlotEach = FALSE,
labels = c("Year", "Spawning biomass (t)", "Fraction of unfished",
"Age-0 recruits (1,000s)", "Recruitment deviations", "Index", "Log index",
"SPR-related quantity", "Density", "Management target",
"Minimum stock size threshold", "Spawning output", "Harvest rate",
"Summary biomass (t)", "Age X+ biomass (t)"),
col = NULL,
shadecol = NULL,
pch = NULL,
lty = 1,
lwd = 2,
spacepoints = 10,
staggerpoints = 1,
initpoint = 0,
tickEndYr = TRUE,
shadeForecast = TRUE,
xlim = NULL,
ylimAdj = 1.05,
xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i",
type = "o",
uncertainty = TRUE,
shadealpha = 0.1,
legend = TRUE,
legendlabels = NULL,
legendloc = "topright",
legendorder = NULL,
legendncol = 1,
sprtarg = NULL,
btarg = NULL,
minbthresh = NULL,
pwidth = 6.5,
pheight = 5,
punits = "in",
res = 300,
ptsize = 10,
plotdir = NULL,
filenameprefix = "",
densitynames = c("SSB_Virgin", "R0"),
densityxlabs = NULL,
rescale = TRUE,
densityscalex = 1,
densityscaley = 1,
densityadjust = 1,
densitysymbols = TRUE,
densitytails = TRUE,
densitymiddle = FALSE,
densitylwd = 1,
fix0 = TRUE,
new = TRUE,
add = FALSE,
par = list(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1) + 0.1),
verbose = TRUE,
mcmcVec = FALSE,
show_equilibrium = TRUE
- summaryoutput
List created by
- subplots
Vector of subplots to be created Numbering of subplots is as follows:
1 spawning biomass
2 spawning biomass with uncertainty intervals
3 biomass ratio (hopefully equal to fraction of unfished)
4 biomass ratio with uncertainty
18 summary biomass
19 summary biomass with uncertainty
5 SPR ratio
6 SPR ratio with uncertainty
7 F value
8 F value with uncertainty
9 recruits
10 recruits with uncertainty
11 recruit devs
12 recruit devs with uncertainty
13 index fits
14 index fits on a log scale
15 phase plot
16 densities
17 cumulative densities
- plot
Plot to active plot device?
Print to PNG files?
- png
Has same result as
, included for consistency withSS_plots
.Write output to PDF file? Can't be used in conjunction with
.- models
Optional subset of the models described in
. Either "all" or a vector of numbers indicating columns in summary tables.- endyrvec
Optional single year or vector of years representing the final year of values to show for each model. By default it is set to the ending year specified in each model. If the number of models is subset using the
input thenendyr
needs to be shortened as well.- indexfleets
Fleet numbers for each model to compare indices of abundance. Can take different forms:
NULL: (default) create a separate plot for each index as long as the fleet numbering is the same across all models.
integer: create a single comparison plot for the chosen index
vector of length equal to number of models: a single fleet number for each model to be compared in a single plot
list: list of fleet numbers associated with indices within each model to be compared, where the list elements are each a vector of the same length but the names of the list elements don't matter and can be absent.
- indexUncertainty
Show uncertainty intervals on index data? Default=FALSE because if models have any extra standard deviations added, these intervals may differ across models.
- indexQlabel
Add catchability to legend in plot of index fits (TRUE/FALSE)?
- indexQdigits
Number of significant digits for catchability in legend (if
indexQlabel = TRUE
)- indexSEvec
Optional replacement for the SE values in
to deal with the issue of differing uncertainty by models described above.- indexPlotEach
TRUE plots the observed index for each model with colors, or FALSE just plots observed once in black dots.
- labels
Vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels).
- col
Optional vector of colors to be used for lines. Input NULL makes use of
function.- shadecol
Optional vector of colors to be used for shading uncertainty intervals. The default (NULL) is to use the same colors provided by
(either the default or a user-chosen input) and make them more transparent by applying theshadealpha
input as an alpha transparency value (using theadjustcolor()
function)- pch
Optional vector of plot character values
- lty
Optional vector of line types
- lwd
Optional vector of line widths
- spacepoints
Number of years between points shown on top of lines (for long timeseries, points every year get mashed together)
- staggerpoints
Number of years to stagger the first point (if
spacepoints > 1
) for each line (so that adjacent lines have points in different years)- initpoint
Year value for first point to be added to lines. Points added to plots are those that satisfy (Yr-initpoint)%%spacepoints == (staggerpoints*iline)%%spacepoints
- tickEndYr
TRUE/FALSE switch to turn on/off extra axis mark at final year in timeseries plots.
- shadeForecast
TRUE/FALSE switch to turn on off shading of years beyond the maximum ending year of the models
- xlim
Optional x limits
- ylimAdj
Multiplier for ylim parameter. Allows additional white space to fit legend if necessary. Default=1.05.
- xaxs
Choice of xaxs parameter (see ?par for more info)
- yaxs
Choice of yaxs parameter (see ?par for more info)
- type
Type parameter passed to points (default 'o' overplots points on top of lines)
- uncertainty
Show plots with uncertainty intervals? Either a single TRUE/FALSE value, or a vector of TRUE/FALSE values for each model, or a set of integers corresponding to the choice of models.
- shadealpha
Transparency adjustment used to make default shadecol values (implemented as
adjustcolor(col=col, alpha.f=shadealpha)
)- legend
Add a legend?
- legendlabels
Optional vector of labels to include in legend. Default is 'model1','model2',etc.
- legendloc
Location of legend. Either a string like "topleft" or a vector of two numeric values representing the fraction of the maximum in the x and y dimensions, respectively. See
for more info on the string options.- legendorder
Optional vector of model numbers that can be used to have the legend display the model names in an order that is different than that which is represented in the summary input object.
- legendncol
Number of columns for the legend.
- sprtarg
Target value for SPR-ratio where line is drawn in the SPR plots and phase plot.
- btarg
Target biomass value at which to show a line (set to 0 to remove)
- minbthresh
Minimum biomass threshold at which to show a line (set to 0 to remove)
- pwidth
Default width of plots printed to files in units of
.- pheight
Height of plots printed to png files in units of
. Default is designed to allow two plots per page, withpheight_tall
used for plots that work best with a taller format and a single plot per page.- punits
Units for
. Can be "px" (pixels), "in" (inches), "cm" (centimeters), or "mm" (millimeters). The default ispunits="in"
.- res
Resolution of plots printed to files. The default is
res = 300
.- ptsize
Point size for plotted text in plots printed to files (see
in R for details).- plotdir
Directory where PNG files will be written.
- filenameprefix
Additional text to append to PNG or PDF file names. It will be separated from default name by an underscore.
- densitynames
Vector of names (or subset of names) of parameters or derived quantities contained in
for which to make density plots- densityxlabs
Optional vector of x-axis labels to use in the density plots (must be equal in length to the printed vector of quantities that match the
input)- rescale
TRUE/FALSE control of automatic rescaling of units into thousands, millions, or billions
- densityscalex
Scalar for upper x-limit in density plots (values below 1 will cut off the right tail to provide better contrast among narrower distributions
- densityscaley
Scalar for upper y-limit in density plots (values below 1 will cut off top of highest peaks to provide better contrast among broader distributions
- densityadjust
Multiplier on bandwidth of kernel in density function used for smoothing MCMC posteriors. See 'adjust' in ?density for details.
- densitysymbols
Add symbols along lines in density plots. Quantiles are
.- densitytails
Shade tails outside of 95% interval darker in density plots?
- densitymiddle
Shade middle inside of 95% interval darker in density plots?
- densitylwd
Line width for density plots
- fix0
Always include 0 in the density plots?
- new
Create new empty plot window
- add
Allows single plot to be added to existing figure. This needs to be combined with specific 'subplots' input to make sure only one thing gets added.
- par
list of graphics parameter values passed to the
function- verbose
A logical value specifying if output should be printed to the screen.
- mcmcVec
Vector of TRUE/FALSE values (or single value) indicating whether input values are from MCMC or to use normal distribution around MLE
- show_equilibrium
Whether to show the equilibrium values for SSB. For some model comparisons, these might not be comparable and thus useful to turn off. Defaults to TRUE.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# directories where models were run need to be defined
dir1 <- "c:/SS/mod1"
dir2 <- "c:/SS/mod2"
# read two models
mod1 <- SS_output(dir = dir1)
mod2 <- SS_output(dir = dir2)
# create list summarizing model results
mod.sum <- SSsummarize(list(mod1, mod2))
# plot comparisons
SSplotComparisons(mod.sum, legendlabels = c("First model", "Second model"))
# Example showing comparison of MLE to MCMC results where the mcmc would have
# been run in the subdirectory 'c:/SS/mod1/mcmc'
mod1 <- SS_output(dir = "c:/SS/mod1", dir.mcmc = "mcmc")
# pass the same model twice to SSsummarize in order to plot it twice
mod.sum <- SSsummarize(list(mod1, mod1))
# compare MLE to MCMC
legendlabels = c("MCMC", "MLE"),
mcmcVec = c(TRUE, FALSE)
} # }