Pearson residuals, retained, Fishery_current (max=6.34)
file: comp_condAALfit_residsflt1mkt2.png
Pearson residuals, whole catch, WCGBTS (max=24.43)
file: comp_condAALfit_residsflt5mkt0.png
Mean age from conditional data (aggregated across length bins) for Fishery_current with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for conditional age-at-length data from Fishery_current:
1.0086 (0.6192-5.2258)
For more info, see
Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138.
Conditional AAL plot, retained, Fishery_current (plot 1 of 2)
These plots show mean age and std. dev. in conditional A@L.
Left plots are mean A@L by size-class (obs. and exp.) with 90% CIs based on adding 1.64 SE of mean to the data.
Right plots in each pair are SE of mean A@L (obs. and exp.) with 90% CIs based on the chi-square distribution.
file: comp_condAALfit_Andre_plotsflt1mkt2_page1.png
Conditional AAL plot, retained, Fishery_current (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_condAALfit_Andre_plotsflt1mkt2_page2.png
Mean age from conditional data (aggregated across length bins) for WCGBTS with 95% confidence intervals based on current samples sizes.
Francis data weighting method TA1.8: thinner intervals (with capped ends) show result of further adjusting sample sizes based on suggested multiplier (with 95% interval) for conditional age-at-length data from WCGBTS:
1.0043 (0.5416-178.2475)
For more info, see
Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138.
Conditional AAL plot, whole catch, WCGBTS (plot 1 of 2)
These plots show mean age and std. dev. in conditional A@L.
Left plots are mean A@L by size-class (obs. and exp.) with 90% CIs based on adding 1.64 SE of mean to the data.
Right plots in each pair are SE of mean A@L (obs. and exp.) with 90% CIs based on the chi-square distribution.
file: comp_condAALfit_Andre_plotsflt5mkt0_page1.png
Conditional AAL plot, whole catch, WCGBTS (plot 2 of 2)
file: comp_condAALfit_Andre_plotsflt5mkt0_page2.png